A fake Paris Hilton album created by Banksy and secretly placed in record stores is up for sale– but in which of these spots did he also hide an artwork?

In 2006 Banksy smuggled a life-sized inflatable model of a hooded Guantanamo Bay prisoner into Disneyland, and placed it in the Thunder Mountain ride where it remained unnoticed for an hour before being removed.
A 1937 New York Yankees jersey worn by Lou Gehrig could fetch $2 million later this month – but which of these was NOT a genuine nickname for the baseball legend?

Gehrig was known by fans as The Iron Horse, and by his friends and team-mates as Biscuit Pants – but nobody called him The Galloping German.
This week in 1969, The Beatles created their iconic Abbey Road album cover – but who's the mystery man pictured on the right of the image?

The man in question is Paul Cole, an American tourist who was passing by and had no idea who the band were. "A bunch of kooks, I called them," he later said. "You didn’t walk around in London barefoot."
A Belgian businessman claimed this week to have found a lost Rembrandt painting worth over $30 million – but where did he allegedly acquire it?

The businessman, known only as 'Mr Jo', reportedly bought the painting from a down-on-his-luck bar patron for $500, and now believes it to be a lost Rembrandt masterpiece valued at over $30 million. Experts are yet to be convinced.
The 18th century gravestone belonging to Maria Sophia von Erthal has been placed on display in a German museum – but which fictional fairytale character did she inspire?

It's believed that The Brothers Grimm used details from Maria Sophia von Erthal's life to create Snow White – including a wicked stepmother, a dangerous forest and a local mine which employed dwarves.
This unusual piece of Elvis-owned memorabilia is up for auction this month – but what is it?

This device is a surgical ear syringe, as used by Elvis' personal tour nurse to flush out the King of Rock and Roll's ears in-between shows. Delightful.
August 10 marks the anniversary of the creation of the Smithsonian museum – but which of these unusual exhibits can you find on display in "America's Attic"?

Amongst the Smithsonian's collection is the world's longest beard, measuring more than 17ft long. It was donated by the family of Hans Langseth, a Norwegian immigrant to the U.S, who grew the beard over the course of 60 years until his passing in 1927.
According to actor Nicolas Cage, which lost relic did he recently spend several months hunting for, Indiana Jones-style, around the world?

Cage claimed he had spent months investigating the whereabouts of the Holy Grail, before realizing he'd gone a bit mad and that nobody understood what he was talking about anymore.
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